Yep. Been there, been trampled like that.
It's that time of year-
- band concerts
- dishes
- science fair projects
- laundry
- getting close to the end of semester study projects
- getting close to the end of the semester catch upon grading projects
- dishes
- dishes
Add to the bawling herd a trip to Kansas for the holiday, a desire to cook some real holiday food, and fighting off the inner elf who wants to start putting up the Christmas decorations, and you have a drove of on-edge bossies who will spook and bolt at the smallest hint of an extra task on their already-too-full plates. I'm speaking metaphorically, of course. This is not a description of people I work with.
The last trip Philoboy and I made to Kansas we ran into this very thing. A herd of cattle, not bossy people I work with.
The disparity between city life and rural life is enough to give you whiplash. I've run into some boss cows in the city, usually on the PTA committees or at youth soccer games, but never a herd of cows.
There were cows coming and going. Cows almost as far as you could see.
And cowboys riding herd on the cows. Somehow their herd ridin' looked a lot more fun than my city herd ridin'.
And I couldn't pass up the opportunity to show you the dirty windows of the Travelin' Van. That's adventure miles dirt, ma'am.
"Dang paparazzi- we can never re-locate without one of them hangin' out a vehicle window with their dang camera...."
Ahhh, I'm looking forward to the holiday, going back home to a place where horses are the vehicles, walking is the pace of life, and cows are the most interesting thing around.
Happy Trails, and may you always find a whole herd of adventures!