Mar 26, 2011

Starting to recover

After a week in the wilderness with some of the boys, I am finally returning to my normal self. Craving chocolate and DP. Blogging incessantly.

There was a van full of us. There was me, aka Mother Nature, aka Wonder Woman, aka occasional camp cook, aka the slug in the back of the van who read the whole time.

Philoboy, aka mi esposo, aka my beloved, aka my significant other, aka the guy who looks good even after 8 days of not shaving.

There was Philoboy Action Figure, aka PAF, aka Philo Mini, aka the one who thinks he has to have a sherpa, aka the only one whoever grouses on our trips.

And then there was an uncle and a cousin thrown in for good measure. They came from Kansas, we left from Oklahoma, and we rendezvoused somewhere in Arkansas. I love saying rendezvoused. It sounds so much more adventurous than saying 'we're meeting here'.

We found a rendezvous point and pitched camp. Philo's partial to National Forests because they are relatively people-free. They are also bathroom and shower free.

While we waited for the other two members of our expedition to join us, we explored (are you getting the whole National Geographic documentary feel of this blog yet?)

We found this waterfall hidden away. As dry as every place has been, I was amazed to see flowing water. Made me want to camp right under it and stake out squatter's rights.

We were in Devil's Den State Park. It was a great little park, well-used. There are caves in the park, but they were closed due to an illness among the bats called White Nose Fungus. I think my kids had that when they were little.

This is as close to a shower as Philo got the whole week. Get closer, honey, trust me, ain't nothing going to melt!"

Then it was back to camp to wait for the others. PAF was crabby about giving up his seat. "Dang it, woman, I was here first, and I got squatter's rights."

Yeah, go and squat, little man. See what happens when I sit on your lap.

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