Mar 24, 2011

Civilization is still here!!

We're back from the bayou. Survived the swamp. We are gone from the gators and national-forest free.

When I emerge from my hibernacula, I'll tell you all about it.  I plan on working the word hibernacula into every conversation for the next month.

I can give you a hint- it was wet sometimes, cold sometimes, and fun all times. Except that time I was afraid I was going to fall into the water and be eaten by a gator.

I've assembled my tools for re-entry into the civilized world:

Industrial sander for skin-check.

Motor-oil weight moisturizer-check

Weed-whacker for leg foliage-check

Five-gallon bucket of detangler for hair-check

Masseuse for multiple tender spots-HEY!  Who forgot to order the masseuse!?!?!

   Happy Trails, and may your adventures never dampen your spirits!


Tyson said...

WHAT?!!? The list maker forgot to add the masseuse? I hate when that happens...

Unknown said...

Your awwsome! jason @ kansas dot.