Sep 13, 2011


I was supposed to have been out on the trail four days ago, but life has conspired to keep me closer to home than I had planned. The best laid plans of mice and mothers....

I needed a serious dose of peace and quiet, after a hectic few days, and more looming, so I loaded up the trusty kayak and headed out while the stars were still twinkling.

This was the scene when I pushed off the bank.

I spent about an hour contemplating life behind the paddle,

And watching another day bloom into being,

And discussing what's on my mind with this guy.  He was a great listener.

And being inoculated against stress for another day, as my worries waltzed away in the mist that danced across the lake.


Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!

Tyson said...

Awesome photos! But I think you need to touch up on your Robert Burns poetry :-) That being said I envy your trip of to get some!