Sep 3, 2011

Did you hear it?

Did you hear it this morning?  The scream of absolute anger, anguish and fury when I accidentally erased the 80-some pictures I took this morning on my sunrise paddle? Followed immediately by some words that can't be printed in a family blog.

You'll just have to imagine the herons, the egrets, the cormorants, the fish, and most of all, the gorgeous sunrise I saw from my kayak.

I don't know which to throw out the window first- the computer or the camera. An hour's worth of paddling history gone forever. This calls for history histronics of historic porportions.

In lieu of the beautiful photos you would have seen this morning, I'm going to take deep, slow breaths and talk about the future instead of the past.

In my future is a bag of goodies that looks like this:

Backwoods of Norman has graciously provided some items for me to test and review next week. It's kind of like an early Christmas.

There's an inflatable pillow-I've never slept with a pillow when camping before. I love the fabric...

There's a porta-potty so small it fits in my hand.

There's some fun dinnerware that will keep the Whee busy for a while...

and more.  I can't wait!

Whew. OK, I feel a little better. Take some Valium. Eat some chocolate. Maybe try for some more photos tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

furstrating to lose those pictures, isn't it? I've done that so many times.

YRSUED said...

You know, you can recover Images from a card you erased, they are NOT gone forever!! I have software to recover them. The only way they are gone forever is if you shoot the card full again!! Otherwise, they are there!!

Yamil R. Sued

Mother Nature said...

Yamil, Gretchen said the same thing! I'mgoing to give it a try. Thanks!!