Aug 29, 2011

looking forward to...

We had a busy, busy weekend. A superbusy weekend. I'm still recuperating. As soon as I return the borrowed/rented/stolen scuba gear/costumes/photo equipment I'll tell you all about it. Well, maybe not the stolen part.

I'm not looking forward to all that returning.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the photos.

I'm not looking forward to writing two research papers this week.

I'm looking forward to being back in Kansas next weekend.

I'm not looking forward to locating all the missing costume parts.

I'm looking forward to the blackmail money from the photos.

I can tell you this much. I tried scuba diving. Not snuba, scuba.

I didn't drown, because I'm here to tell you the story.

I did it here:

I did it with a very patient instructor who'd never had to inflate a bouyancy device on someone just to keep them from belly-scraping the bottom the whole time.

He inflated. I sank to the bottom.

He inflated some more. I sank to the bottom.

He checked the bouyancy device for leaks. No leaks. He inflated some more.

I sank to the bottom. Which is not bad if you want to see the bottom up close. But I was getting a little tired of seeing the bottom that close.

He shook his head and called the other instructors over to look at the freakish, Incredible Sinking Girl. He inflated some more. I now looked like a mutant puffer fish with limbs.

I was finally able to motor about 6 inches off the bottom. I loved it.

When we were through, the instructor asked if I had ever considered a career as an anchor.

I'm not sure he was kidding...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Maybe you should just give it up before you DO drown!!