Sep 9, 2011

Rocks, paper, scissors

If you're looking for something out of the ordinary to do this weekend, try the Stone Tools Expo at Lake Thunderbird.  (My thanks to my friend Kyle for telling about it!)

They come with tipis and tents, trucks and tarps. They're a group of folks who have a hankering to hit on rocks. To gather together and knap. They're knappers. I'm a napper, too. Every day after lunch.

They make arrowheads, hatchets, knives-or points, they call them-of all sizes and materials. I saw flint, agate, obsidian, and even glass points.

The blue glass one. Gorgeous. I drool. I covet. I lust.

Knapper Travis gave me a great history lesson on the tools and their modern day versions.

Along with the knappers are bowiers and peltiers. (I'm not making this stuff up.)  These are the woodsmen of our time. Tools made from antlers. Fur clothing and bags. Leather goods.

I think this is the cap you wear when you want people to leave you alone...

And then there was a softer, gentler craft. Just as gorgeous. Handmade quilts.

Of course, if you wanted amenities, you could 'machine' quilt your piece work, with a hand-cranked, 1920s sewing machine!

Back to nature, back to basics. 

             Happy Trails, and may all your adventures rock!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're always rock hunting!