Jul 19, 2011

A heavenly beginning

Last Thursday, Daughter#1 and I hijacked the Whee, tied her up, threw her in the car, and sped away west. That's not much of an exaggeration. We surprised her by taking her sister on our trip. Sometimes The Whee is not much on surprises. Once she got over the shock of having her evening plans rearranged, she was delighted to find that the three of us were headed to Colorado.

We didn't want to waste time on something boring like sleeping, so we drove all night to get there. I mean really, who needs to sleep?  Oh wait- I do. Desperately. Often. Sometimes several times a day. But I bypassed it for this trip.

Our cardinal adventure was Garden of the Gods. The Whee said "when you get there before the gift shop opens, you're too early."  Gift shop? What gift shop?  How can you think of gift shop when you see this?

What a great sight to start your day with.

I love these big slabs of rock. The aliens put them there, you know. They took them out of Royal Gorge, transported them by space ship, and dropped them into the Garden. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The Whee got new glasses right before we left. She said she never knew the clouds were so intricate.

I think she's contemplating how those big rocks got there. Or wondering about aliens. Or she's just scheming how to get me into the gift shop.

Happy Trails, and may you see your way clear to new adventures!

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