Jul 12, 2011

You can thank me now and later

It rained today. It rained in Oklahoma. People were standing outside gawking, asking, "what's that noise?" as the thunder rolled. People were told to go inside, away from the lightening, but still they stood under the dark clouds, heads tipped back, mouths open.

And it's all because of me. Because I was sick to death of 110 degree heat, the A/C running non-stop, all my energy sapped like a bug in a bug zapper. Wait. Maybe. I promise you, if we had stayed inside again today, it would have been another record setting, scorching, dry-up-the-horny-toads kind of day.

And because I was so sick of this non-stop round-the-clock sauna in which I live, I coughed up the big bucks to take The Whee and a friend to the local big water park. It ain't cheap, but it has a lot of water. At this point I was willing to pay big bucks for big water.

And three hours into it, after almost four straight weeks of heat and drought, as we were enjoying the first outside activity we braved all summer, the lightening cracked. The clouds swelled. The cold rain shot down. And we stood out in it, rejoicing. And proud, because we were quite sure that our venture into the outdoors, our only water park day of the entire summer, had brought on the fabulous drop in temperature, the delicious dribble down our faces.

You can thank me later. Preferably with chocolate not melted by the heat.


bud said...
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Jeff said...

Hurray! Could you send some our way?

Gretchen Steele said...

Traci - believe me I would gladly share all this rain we've been getting with you - a foot and half of water again tonight across the highway in front of our house..every storm causes flash flooding these days...
But glad you finally got some much needed rain!

Barbara Baird said...

Maybe you should have washed your car first, or hung out your clothes on the line, or planned a big outdoor event?

Mother Nature said...

hehe last time I washed the car hubby got stranded between two broken power lines for 2 hours. he asked i never do that again lol!

Kristi said...

Yes, we got rain yesterday, too. It was so nice. Accidents on the freeway everywhere, because no one knew what to do. They just looked up at the rain and thunder and lightening and WHAM! Right in to the people in front of them.