Jul 18, 2011

Mission accomplished

We were not mauled by bears

The Whee was not eaten by a mountain lion

We saw a LOT of sights

I celebrated Ice Cream Day by eating all the ice cream I could hold

My girls and I have completed a whirlwind three day tour of Colorado, specifically in the Colorado Springs area. I stuffed my bag full of cool mountain air before returning, but when I opened my bag, it didn't smell like mountain air. At all.

We didn't sleep much, except in the car in between places. We had many miles to cover, and not many minutes in which to do it.

Sometimes you just need to wake up to mountains. When it's been too hot for too long, when you've had to deal with moving and packing and unpacking, and not being able to find anything you moved, when you're in the doldrums of summer, it's just good for you to see this first thing in the morning:

I'm a much nicer person when I wake up to mountains, ask anyone who's ever traveled with me. Some of them may have considered leaving me on a mountain.

Of course, I will be sharing the almost-infinite number of things we did and saw, but right now I have to wander around looking for things I can't find. And trying to remember what it is I'm looking for. I think the rapid altitude change has done serious brain damage. Perhaps some ice cream will help.

Happy Trails!


Anonymous said...

Hurray! Glad you gals got to go!

Tyson said...

Glad you ladys had a great time. It might interest you to know that the average American eats 20qts of ice cream each year!

Mother Nature said...

ONLY 20 quarts? I'm doing my part to raise that average...