May 5, 2011

Doggone it!

Diog is starting to take up PAF's bad habits, as in: he doesn't mind, doesn't help around camp, and he eats all the good food. Diog isn't quite as obnoxious as PAF, he's more, well, ornery. At least he doesn't call me "Woman."

I came home yesterday to find him on my computer. Normally the pet that would be in this pompous, precarious position of risking his life by touching my computer is Ash Kitty.  Ash sneaks onto it when I'm gone, and his guilt (or fear) causes him to shoot under the bed when I open the door.  As if the cat hair all over the keyboard wouldn't give it away.

I was so disappointed to find that Diog has stooped to cat level, with a dose of PAF-mouth thrown in.

Since Diog is still a PAF pup, there may be hope for him. I plan to start rigorous training for the pooch,  including what places are off limits to him. Which is pretty much any place I am.  Now if I can just break him of the PAF trash talk...

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