May 8, 2011

Mum's the word

Mommies get all wrapped up in their kids, and their kids' lives. I'm not talking about living vicariously through your children (although I do this with scuba. Watching my daughter scuba dive is as close as I'm ever going to get to staying underwater on purpose).

Nope, I'm talking about the millions of things mommies do, just because we're mommies.

I'm talking about keeping mum when you want to drown them with advice and admonitions.

I'm talking about holding your breath when the oldest stays underwater way longer than you think possible. Or good for her. And holding your breath again as she navigates all the murky unknowns of life, and gets in over her head, and you want to rescue her, but you don't. Because you know that's the right thing to do. But you still hold your breath.

I'm talking about keeping your child's sad, lonely kitten company when said child is at school all day, even though you are seriously a dog person, not a cat person.

I'm talking about making zillions of cupcakes and muffins for bake sales, until you never, ever, want to look at another cupcake as long as you live. Not even chocolate ones.

I'm talking about watching for the 89 millionth time when someone says, "Watch me, Momma!"

And wondering where they get all that energy, and thinking they must have stolen it right out of you, because yours is all gone and they're still going strong. And being glad to give them your time, your energy, even your life if necessary.

And realizing that no matter what you do, they are, dang it, going to grow up and leave you. And you hold onto that chance they might come back for a while. But you say you hope it's for a visit, and not to stay, because that's the right thing to do. But you hope it's a lo-o-oooong visit.

And one day you sit down because you're too tired to stand up anymore, and you sigh because you've been holding your breath for a very long time.  And you smile, because somewhere between bedtime battles and band practice, between baby sitters and boyfriends, you must have done something right, because they





           Happy Mothers Day!

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