May 21, 2011

We're about to roar...

What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce.

---Mark Twain

I love Mark Twain. So much wisdom in so few words. Without us gals, life would be, well, scarce, as he said. And less fluffy and soft, and your food would taste like charcoal, and you'd never remember to pick up deoderant. I believe this.

Because I believe in the great contribution women make to life in general, and to the outdoor life in particular, I write for a fabulous site called Women's Outdoor News. Right now you can find them at as they undergo a website renovation. It'd kind of like virtual redecorating. 

I like redecorating. I get it from my mother, which is why I moved all her living room furniture this week, and came home and changed all the curtains and pillows in my house. I haven't moved any of the furniture here yet, I'm waiting to take Philoboy unawares. It's more fun that way.

But I wander verbally again.

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, renovations. Back to the WON's renovation. I like renovations. And change. And spring cleaning. So I'm excited to see what the new and improved WON will look like when it launches on June 1st. I invite you to drop by at and look around. Say hi to the girls. Take a peek at the new gear. It's like coffee club without the snacks. See ya there!

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