May 26, 2011

Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam

I have returned from afar, run out of the country not by threat of rattlesnakes, but by rumors of rain and hints of hailstones.

Daughter #1 and I got a scant two days of camping in the Wichita Mountains before we were contacted by civilization and told to head home, ahead of the storm.  Boooo. I did not get to utilize the full term of my backcountry permit. Boo I say, boo hiss.

But we did get to enjoy a few quick things, like stalking buffalo.

And eating at Meers. If you've never had a Meers burger, it's worth the drive just for the burger. Or the Meers beer. Or the cobbler with ice cream. Our hiking trip had a lot of eating in it.

And we squoze in some kayaking (yes, squoze is a word. I made it up, it's a real word. All words are made up). See the dark ominous sky, the mountains wreathed in mist?

We weren't going to let a little rain dampen (hehe) our day. We paddled the entire length of Quanah Parker lake twice, wildlife watching. Wait a minute, one of these is not like the others...

I'll share more of the wildlife watching, gear testing and eating we did in a day or two. Right now I have to take a nap, I'm still digesting my Meers burger.


Jeff said...

Darn! I really wanted to see some rattlesnakes!

Anna said...

Love the kayak photo!