Jun 15, 2011


Last night, once again, our area was slammed by a severe storm. Many homes and businesses are still without electricity today, with temperatures of 100+ predicted for the day. Our abode has no AC, but we do have electricity for fans. Many are not so lucky.

When the storm hit, Philoboy was umpiring. As the lightning and thunder approached, the games were called and people sent to their cars. The umpires and other officials were leaving the ballpark when, out of the corner of his eye, Philo thought he saw a tree limb fall behind him. When he looked in front of him, he realized it was no tree at all, but the power pole, with live line still attached.

See the black Honda in front? Yep, that's my beloved. This is how he spent the rest of his evening; pelted by hail, water up to the tailpipe, waiting for utility workers and firefighters to shut off power and move poles so he and the others could get home.

While it was kinda cool to see him on the front page, this is not the kind of fame he's looking for. However, it's way better than the kind of notoriety he would have had if the pole had fallen on the car.

I'm so grateful and relieved that it wasn't any worse, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who did not fare so well.


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are Ok

KW said...

it's good to hear that your family is okay.