Aug 1, 2010

Kick me out of the club

Man- I think I am out of the outdoor club after this weekend! Ran outta town on a rail!  Paddled!

Philo and I and some of the family herd went to Fall River again. It's the new favorite spot. I proceeded to get my hook caught on flat river bottom at least 20 times, thus ensuring that Philo never got to fish (somebody has to retrieve the hook, the water's more than two feet deep!)

All the rocks sticking up from the bottom I found with the prow of my kayak.  I call it paddling by braille.

Broke my line. Twice.

Dumped my box of sinkers in the rocks.

Last night I put the groceries away in their tubs and put them in the truck.  But then I committed a major rookie mistake.  I left the trash sack under the table. I heard the rustling not long after we turned out the lights, and sure enough when I aimed the flashlight at the table, a family of opossums was chowing down on the stale oatmeal cookies.  Crumbs falling out of their pointy little snouts.  Creepy.  Looked like a furry Jenny Craig meeting gone amuck.

And I dumped my leftover hot chocolate in the bushes. I'm pretty sure the Leave No Trace people would like to tattoo "leave no trace" on the backside of campers who do dumb stuff like that. I bet they come calling for my camper card.  Reee-voked!


Anonymous said...

In Oklahoma we just call em possums!

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the table and the possums were outside? Not in your house?