Apr 9, 2011

Evil Genius

I have a modern kitchen. It has a microwave, coffeepot, blender, and a sprayer nozzle on the sink. To operate the sprayer, you have to turn on the faucet, then depress the sprayer handle. It's all so bland, and ...innocent.

This is the Whee's doing. I'm so proud.

This is the sort of evil but harmless prank I live for. I'm happy to say that I spawned such impressive, creative abilities.
But wait-it was intended for her mother. ME-the one who gave life to her, who nurtured her inside my body for nine VERY long months. It takes guts to plan the drenching of your life-giver. I am further impressed with her panache.

I was even more happy and impressed when Philoboy was the recipient of her nefarious handiwork. I did not, however, escape unscathed, after I fell out of my chair laughing and nearly choked on my biscuit. 

I think she'll grow up to be a philosopher.


Tyson said...

Was it a burnt biscuit?

MN said...

lol- nope bc I didn't cook dinner that day!!!