Apr 28, 2011

Girls' Night Out

It started innocently enough: a dainty succulent for the first twenty folks in the door...

and ended with people dancing in the aisles. Really dancing. In the aisles.

This is what happens when you take a major outdoor gear retailer,

invite a lot of fun-loving outdoor women into your store,

serve them a gorgeous spread of delectable desserts and appetizers, soft drinks and wine,

give away lots of super-cool doorprizes...

You end up with a party called Ladies Night at Backwoods!

I attended this event Tuesday night, and boy, was it fun! No boys allowed!  (Although I saw one poor guy wandering through with a confused look on his face. I think he must have stumbled in by accident, because I didn't see any female directing him.)

Manager Pam Cherek and her crew put on this great evening once a year, prior to Mother's Day. This is Jim. Jim celebrated his 60th birthday by hiking the Grand Canyon.

Jim is always working when I go in the store (which either means Jim works too much, or I go into Backwoods too often, or both). Jim has a fantastic talent for convincing me there's "just one more thing" I need from this store.  Philoboy would prefer Jim not talk to me; the mass in my gear closet grows in inverse proportion to the mass in Philo's wallet.

The event also included free chair massages. The longest line in the store was in front of these smiling folks.  Ahhh, heaven with hands.

The second longest line in the store was through the dessert table, which included chocolate, and delicious mango salsa, and chocolate, and cheeses and nuts, and chocolate. I might have made more than one trip through this line.

An instructor from Sonders Music dropped in to give us a Zumba and hip-hop demo, and soon had people dancing along with her. I am decidedly unchoreographable. Trust me, if that isn't a word, it IS a concept you can grasp.

And plenty of good deals, steals and shopping of all sorts. I love these boots. I think I will trade one of my children for these. I just haven't decided which child goes yet.

Of course, I didn't leave there empty-handed (sorry, Philo honey. You don't mind working a few extra hours this week, do you?  Philo says, "Thanks a lot, Jim!").  I'll be sharing pictures of my bounty (and it being used) in the coming days. 

In the meantime, drop in the Norman Backwoods store and say hi to Pam, Jim, Blossom and the rest of the crew. Surely there's just one more thing you need for your outdoor adventures, even if you don't know it yet.

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