Apr 26, 2011

Rain, rein, reign, don't go away yet

I'm rained in, which means I'm reined in. This is not to say I reign, necessarily, but I like to think I do. 

This IS to say I'm ever so grateful for the moisture we're finally receiving. Even if it does make my hair frizz.

I'm grateful we don't have to water the garden this week, even if I do have puddles on my carpet from raincoats and boots.

I'm delighted the burn ban will be lifted for a while, even if all my running shoes are sopping wet when I put them on. That's the reined in part. I'm averse to wet feet.

I'm grateful that the rain is bringing out some of the flowers. It's also watering my creative side as well, in the form of new KaleidoScapes. I've added some more to the Digital Chicanery page.

Here's a couple of nods to spring blooms!

MAGENTA- makes me feel energetic! This is one of the daintiest 'Scapes I've done.

I love the airy feel of this one. Makes me think of looking up at the sun early on a spring morning. Maybe cause I was when I took the picture.

Different kind of bloom.  Blooms mostly on rivers in spring and summer.  Only seen by avid (or rabid) kayakers.

     Happy Trails,  and may adventures sprout up all around you!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

they make me dizzy!!! lol