Apr 24, 2011


He is risen! May Easter blessings fall upon you today!

Easter is my second-most favorite holiday. Nothing will ever top Christmas, but Easter is close. Beautiful choir music. Chocolate rabbits. The sounds of spring. A day of family and fun. No presents necessary. Need I say more?
My girls decorate cookies with lewd frosting costumes. You haven't had cookies until you've eaten a buttercream-bikini clad bunny. These are not the cookies we serve the preacher.

and then sugar addicts that they are, the girls go straight to fighting for a hit of the frosting to see who can OD first.

Perhaps you celebrate with a huge ham, a bountiful brunch, or a sunrise service with your church. And then a nap.

Which isn't really a nap at all, but a chance to nibble your sister until she screams, and your mother threatens to smother you both with a pillow. Most holidays at my house involve threats of bodily harm.

Sniff.. Easter memories make me all sappy. Pardon me while I get a tissue.

Easter is egg hunts. Oh dear. That ponytail. My little chicky. Pardon me while I get a whole box of tissues.

Easter is barefoot and bunny ears, and your baby getting bigger.

And your baby getting big enough to reach the eggs in scary places...

Easter is watching your girls run all over your tiny town in an Easter Basket scavenger hunt, and realizing the little one is almost as tall as the big one


I'm not sure I'll be able to survive another Easter. My little chicks have hatched into big girls. I just won't take pictures. If I can't see it, it doesn't exist. I'm going to go eat another tackily dressed cookie and hide under the covers.

And then when they're asleep I'm going to eat all their chocolate bunnies and marshmallow eggs.

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