Sep 5, 2010

An anniversary of gratitude

To my delight (and to the surprise of some who will remain nameless but might be associated with academia...), my blog hit the six months mark yesterday. Six months of daily blithering. For that, I am grateful to many people;

To my daughters, who let me embarrass them mercilessly in front of the whole world, thank you!  I wouldn't do it if you weren't so darn cute!  Love you guys!

To the folks who have signed up as followers of this babble.  You are fabulous folks. (And Ray, you are a brilliant blogger. Thank you for teaching me to approach my closet as an adventure.)

To the people who leave comments- You are the sugar in my coffee. The chocolate chips in my cookie. The sprinkles on my cupcake. Keep 'em coming!  Thank you thank you!!

To the friends and family who have given us tips on trips, and the scoop on B.O.T.'s, and fodder for blogs, it is much appreciated! There's no such thing as a trivial adventure, only trivial blogging about it.

To anyone and everyone who takes time out of their busy lives to peek into ours, thanks!!


Raquelita said...

Yay! Happy Blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

How about featuring some of the Oklahoma lakes?

Tyson said...

Been called alot of things but never sprinkles.