Sep 21, 2010

The not-so-sweet smell of home

After wild weekends of kayaking (Philoboy) and pajama partying (me), Philo and I have met up back home in Kansas.  Where there was no food in the fridge.  No milk.  No juice.  Not even any crackers in the pantry.

A pungent odor greeted us at the front door, and that odor gave us a knock out punch when we opened the refrigerator.

Because this is a family blog and not a horror show, I am not sharing photos.  Dead, decayed, slimy, melted down to nothing fishing worms.  Left from 3 weeks ago.

Oh, but that's not all, for just $19.95 you also get this Tupperware container of no-longer-metabolizing helgrammites.  Helgrammites?  Nasty creatures found under rocks in the river.  Bite your finger off, they will. Fight like crazy, they will.  Stink to high heaven, they do.

You'd think that since they're in containers, in a cool environment, it wouldn't be that bad. You'd be wrong. Dead wrong.  Slimy, mushy, stinky, grossly wrong.

I don't think I have enough baking soda.  Add that to the list of milk, crackers, and air freshener, will ya?

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