Sep 27, 2010

Contemplating the weekend

This is Jessica.
I just spent another excellent weekend with Jessica and some other new friends. We were brought together by a weekend class at the University, and I will be forever grateful that we were.

At first glance we look like unlikely partners in crime. Jessica teaches at the University of Oklahoma. I teach at a community college in Kansas. She's smart, young, and talented. I'm old enough to be her mother. (I'm getting to the age where I could be Methuselah's mother, but I digress).

But in class we discovered some common grounds that connected me to this person from another era.

Jessica's a shooter.  Of guns.  She packs a gun for bear when she's hiking in Alaska.

You gotta love someone like that. (Or at least give them a healthy respect!!) We share a delight of pushing social envelopes and a dislike for stupidity brought on by laziness.  Jessica is the friend I wish I'd found when I was in college.  Except she wasn't born yet then.

And then there's Larry. Larry was the third member of our team, and one of the most creative people I have ever met.  Larry has spiderman tendencies, which means our group got photos from the roof that no one else got.

I thought Larry was cool even before I knew he had a gas mask.

Sometimes friends slip through our fingers like the cool water of a mountain stream, delightful at the moment, something we want to remember forever, but fleeting, and hard to reclaim.

I wish my new friends all the best, and thank you for a delightful, memorable, fun-filled weekend. It was a special time, and we have the pictures to prove it.

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