Sep 17, 2010

Recycled clean

On a shopping safari with my mom yesterday, I found a few items to put away for Christmas. And yes, shopping is very much like a safari.  It requires preparation and gear: comfy walking shoes, a definite list of items, a goal of which savannas (stores), and getting out of the house early to bag the good stuff.

There are predators and prey. The prey are the items on my list; I detest recreational shopping.  The predators are all those people competing for parking spaces as if there were only two items left in the entire mall.  I really think it should be legal to carry at least a paint ball gun for times like this.

Once I ingested two Dr. Peppers to regulate my breathing back to normal after the competitive parking event, we enjoyed digging through the bags to look at our loot and compare kills.  I mean gifts.

I'm most happy with these items, which are intended for holiday happiness, but might get used in my kitchen before that. 

Spaghetti scrubs.  Made from peach pits (gentle) and corn cobs (course), when you pull them from the package they separate into pasta-like strands.  The more you use them the softer they become. And they biodegrade.  Is this great recycling or what!?!?!

You do have to exercise some caution- they are abrasive, so even the gentler peach pit ones should not be used on non-stick surface pans. These babies make Mother Nature proud!

  Happy Trails, and may your adventures be just peachy!!

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