Sep 1, 2010

Sam I am

I love Dr. Seuss books.  How many high school seniors do you know who got "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" as a graduation present? 

How many times can  you say "beetle battle with a paddle in a bottle" real fast? Does anyone but me have a dislike of that cat with the tall hat?

I like wearable books.  Lest that provoke some thought that takes us away from the family channel, here's what I'm talking about:

Green eggs and ham.  Better than green beer.  Better than green with envy.  Better than green pastures on the other side. Better than... not chocolate, but what is?

If there was a shirt for every Dr. Seuss book, I'd buy them all. This is not for the Whee, this is for me.  It's what every grad student should be wearing.  But a new shirt then requires a pair of earrings to go with it, with green egg-shaped beads of course, so...

Too much time on my hands and a touch of creative impulse might be a dangerous combination.

Go on a boat!  Go on  goat! Take a hike, ride a bike, or even jump a tram. Go find an adventure, Sam I Am!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I'm pretty sure my daughter who's 28 still has all her Dr. Seuss books!