Sep 12, 2010

Looking for some Colorado

Wow- is school over yet? It's only been three weeks and I already feel like the proverbial hamster on the wheel. Work the band concession, attend birthday parties, write, write, write, go to orthodontist appointments (more coming soon on the Whee's braces), prepping for another weekend class, and covering the Becoming an Outdoor Woman event in eastern Oklahoma (check out the Outdoor News page for more info). I have a calendar of my calendar to keep it all straight...

I'm pining for some tall pines. Last year in October  I was shivering through 24 degree nights near Pikes Peak, and loving every minute of it.

I had the place to myself, a beautiful campground, and an easy water supply right by camp.

Spent the days hiking, then back to camp in time to be in my sleeping bag by dark to avoid frostbite.

The fall colors were just starting to come out. (For more about great fall colors, take a look at the book of the week page). We visited an abandoned quarry, counted dewdrops, climbed every trail we could find.

We even saw a sign advertising some relatives in the area, but we never actually ran into any of them...

All in all, it was a peak adventure, and I'm ready for another!!

                                Happy Trails!

1 comment:

Barbara Baird said...

Like, like, like the photography!