Oct 12, 2010

Casting a spell

I've been reading the latest Terry Pratchett book. Pratchett is a genius when it comes to descriptions of human interaction. But what I really like are the witches in his books.  The witches are by far the coolest characters, what with their spells, and headology.

Headology is when you understand human nature so well that you guide people into behaviors so subtly that it's magic. Looks like magic. Feels like magic.

So I was thinking it would be cool to be a witch and be able to cast a spell around my baby, a spell that makes boys go away. Far, far away.  For at least the next 15 years or so, so my baby won't grow up and leave me. Yet.

Spells notwithstanding, I had to resort to headology. I figured this picture, taken last night immediately prior to our racing down the hill in an abandoned shopping cart, should do the trick.

No boy is going to want to date a girl who built a crash helmet from a pillow, a pair of rolled up socks, and um... foundation garments. Perhaps I'll print it on flyers or put it in the school newspaper.  And I'm pretty sure no boy is going to come within a hundred yards of a girl whose mother plays with shopping carts in public. She's mine for the next 15 years....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God luck with that one! 2 more years at best and it will start to fade.