Oct 11, 2010

Walking on the wild side

All photos in today's blog are courtesy of The Whee.

The Whee spent part of the weekend learning how to be a junior zookeeper. First requirement is that you are younger, smaller, and less jaded than the regular zookeeper, so she fits the bill perfectly. Those requirements may be why I wasn't invited.....

She learned how to feed the various animals, clean cages, and what constitutes safe handling with each of the zoo residents, including making sure you know where the animal is before entering the cage or feeding area.

She learned that bears like whipped cream for a treat.

And really dangerous animals like these guys should be watched verrry carefully. They sneak up behind you and attack. Those beaks can really pinch! Look at the glowing eyes on the dark ones.  Evil!

She filled water bowls and distributed kibble, and she got to throw chunks of raw meat to the cats, which, when you're eleven, is totally cool.

She saw how nature, while mostly very consistent, can produce anomalies, like this blond raccoon on the left.  No blond jokes, please.

The zoo which offers the junior zookeeper class actually began as an animal rescue operation. The animals are rescued, found, or brought to them for rehabilitation, and in some cases are released back into the wild. Those that can't be released become permanent residents or are sent to other zoos.  Such was the case with Coyote Darcey.  She was rescued as a tiny pup from a flood area when her eyes weren't even open yet, and has lived her whole life in this zoo. Isn't she gorgeous?

The Whee took her job very seriously, no monkeying around. Or so she says...

Judging from the smell when she returned home, I'd say she at least got INTO her work!

              Don't monkey around- go find an adventure!  Happy Trails!

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