Oct 9, 2010

Gourd Dog

This is Lil Dog. He's my granddog, if you will, although I'd rather you didn't. I traded the Whee for him, because he can feed himself, and doesn't like to play on my computer. I guess the Whee can feed herself as well, and she doesn't have to be walked. On the other hand, Lil Dog never wants to go clothes shopping. hmm, I may or may not have made a good trade.

Actually I'm dogsitting Daughter #1's baby for the day, which is the small print in the motherhood contract. I think children and dogs should be socialized, exposed to the world, taught to conduct themselves in public, so we took Lil Dog to the Farmer's Market today.

He loved it. He pranced around like the Big Dog he thinks he is. The stud dog. The alpha male. He was also the biggest dog there. The other was a yappy Chihuahua who was being carried, so Lil Dog really was the Big Dog.

He took his market going seriously. He gave everything the sniff test. At least, everything he could reach, considering he's only 15 inches tall.

"Oh look ma!  How 'bout some of those to throw at the trick-or-treaters?!?!

See, this is why they need training in proper conduct. Otherwise they'd be lobbing gourds at innocent children. Or maybe that was me...

Lil Dog did very well. He didn't umm, mark any territory, bite anyone, growl at anybody, or diss the produce. He left all that to the dogsitter. She probably needs more socializing...


Anonymous said...

What kind of dog is he?

Mother Nature said...

He's a Manchester... slightly larger than a Min-pin

Anonymous said...

You need to bring him over and let him play with my Harley, he'd like that.


Lauren Barnes said...

I taught him the stud part while cruising the neighborhood for chicks (and I don't mean those yappy Chihuahua kind!).