Nov 18, 2010

For what shall I be grateful?

The ways in which we routinely show thankfulness or appreciation can grow into rituals of gratitude. Those rituals not only show our appreciation to a person or for an action, they serve to create a bond of tradition connecting the two of you.

For what shall I be grateful today? For a pre-teen who always wakes up with a smile, rather than in teenage ire? In gratitude for a happy, healthy child, the ritual is a hug to start the day.

Shall I be grateful for a husband who realizes how hard it is for a morning glory to live with a night owl, and tries hard not disturb my sleep? In gratitude for his consideration, the ritual is bringing his coffee to him in the morning.

Shall I be grateful for an older daughter who is strong-willed and independant? In appreciation of her uniqueness,  I'll share a new book, or more importantly, some of mom's home cooking.

As we began the rapid descent into the crazed days of holiday season, take a moment to recognize the rituals of gratitude around you, those little things people do for you that show they care, or find ways to express yourown gratitude. Gratitude is like mulch, it protects and prolongs you. Appreciation is like fertilizer, you grow into a better person. It's a great way to plant the seeds of contentment.

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