Nov 26, 2010

No leftovers

Did you gobble till you wobble? Did you nosh, by gosh? Gorged? Stuffed? In pain from "just one taste of everything?"

I had two helpings of this. I was very thankful.


Doesn't everyone use their electric fish filleting knife to carve the turkey?

I had one helping of each of these, (and maybe a few others as well), I was VERY, Very thankful.

Not having a TV is a good thing- people get outdoors instead. Who's the backyard quarterback? I'm thankful for the backyard.

Taking pictures of people playing football is a lot like playing football, right? I get to count this as exercise?  Go long!! I'm very thankful they didn't ask me to play.

Ugh, I think I ate too much. I need a couch. If I time this just right, the dishes will be all done. Which would make me VERY VERY thankful again.

The only thing better than a Thanksgiving feast is the leftovers. And the leftover leftovers. I'm thankful for leftovers.

I'm thankful for Internet streaming Christmas music while I sort through ornaments. I love the internet. I had no life before the internet. Let's not talk about how much of a life I have now...

Yes, as I settle my newly wider self into the couch with my computer, I am very, very thankful for leftovers. And the internet.

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