Nov 11, 2010

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore

While I was on a photo hunt this week, I happened across this charming vignette...

I knew at once that I was not in Small Town, Kansas from the scene before me.  I knew for several reasons:

1. These men were running. Farmers don't run, they kinda saunter. Unless their barn is on fire.
2. These men were wearing shorts. I am quite sure no farmer in this part of Kansas has legs that have seen daylight since he was five. Overalls is the sportswear here.
3. They are pushing baby strollers. Farmers leave town before they would be seen pushing a stroller down the street. It only happens surreptitiously when their wives have started tapping the toes...
4. Farmers don't 'exercise'.  They work. They figure they get all the cardio they need from blowing hot air down at the co-op.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that if these dads were in my Tiny Town, some farmer would pull over in his flatbed hay truck, and ask "What''s chasing ya'll?"  OR
"Ya'll break down? I kin givya ride."

It's kind of tale of two cities, ain't it?

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